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Mercado Zapatoca Parking

Automatic parking system, license plate recognition, automatic and manual payment point, management of agreements, employees, and monthly fees, integration of electronic invoicing, central platform for 28 parking lots.

Medellin UPB University

Motorized turnstiles and vehicle barrier

Medellin University

FAAC 614 Vehicle Barrier

Universitary National Hospital

Vehicle barrier and double motorized turnstile


Normally opened motorized swing gates


Normally Open Motorized Swing Gate and Vehicle Barrier B680H

Alegra Shopping Center

Parking System

Ahorramas PWC Building

PMR Door and Motorized Turnstiles

Comptroller's Office

Motorized Swing Gates and FAAC Turnstiles


Autoline 8000 Motorized Door Pedestrian Access


License Plate Recognition FAAC Barriers


Motorized Swing Gates 5200 with Full-Height Glass


Motorized Swing Aisles ALC 6000

Alkosto Cali

Motorized Turnstiles ALC 9200


Motorized Turnstiles ALC 2000 with Screen Integration

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To register, please complete the following information.

Contact us:

Address: Cra 18 # 33 A 32.
Neighborhood: Teusaquillo , Bogota , Colombia.
Phone : 057 1 5731930
Email :
Cell: 057 3046570276 Cell2: 057 3006370375

Contact us:

Address: Cra 18 # 33 A 32.
Neighborhood: Teusaquillo , Bogota , Colombia.
Phone : 057 1 5731930
Email :
Cell: 057 3046570276 Cell2: 057 3006370375

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